Our Team
Each Group company has its own Board that provides strong strategic vision and control. Board Membership comprises a combination of non-executives and executives, with tenants represented on the Board of Ocean Housing Limited.
Our existing systems and procedures are well developed with responsive day to day management decisions being made by the Executive Group and Senior Management Colleagues.
The Boards continue to develop a strong and informed style of management, ensuring procedures are in place to enable continual monitoring of achievements and compliance with appropriate standards. This is done to evidence accountability and to respond to scrutiny and challenge from our tenants and residents. In particular, our published Service Standards will continue to evolve, in partnership with tenants and residents, Boards and colleagues, to set new and improved levels of service.
Our commercial activities focus on creating profits to reinvest in our core social business activities, facilitate additional improvements in homes, services, communities, the environment, employment and training.
Our Board
Ocean Group Board
Ocean Housing Board